A l’occasion de la journée mondiale de Lutte contre le SIDA,le 1er Décembre 2016, Dessine l’Espoir relayait un témoignage venu d’Afrique du Sud avec cette vidéo tournée dans un centre d’accueil de jour pour orphelins et enfants défavorisés à Roosboom au Kwazulu Natal. Nomfanelo Magasela, 14 ans, y interprète un poème chanté de sa création, exprimant sa vie avec le virus.
Listen and ponder
We are tired of you HIV,
Destroying our kingdom ,
Killing our heros
Why You Are Like This ?
HIV why you are not kind to us ?
Now ,we are also getting our parent virus,
Having you without knowing how you got to us,
Why You Are Like This ?
We try to prevent you HIV,
We try to abstain,
We try to condomise,
We try to befaithful to our partners
But we are cursed !
Oh god, what must we do ?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
You make our bodies shrink
You make us addict
Being the slave of the treatment
Turning us old while we are young
Why You Are Like This ?
We are tired of you HIV !
Making us dependent on treatment
We … are … tired of you HIV
Why You Are Like This ?
In nowadays we are happy
Because we know our strength
We know how to fight you
Together we can fight you HIV !
My name is Sex
My surname is Condom
My nickname is HIV
My praise name is Anti Retro Virus
When you use my name without my surname
You’ll get my nickname and use my praise name for life
Thank You »
Nomfanelo Magasela